Wasps & Hornets

Wasps & Hornets

Wasps and Hornets can be a pain, Literally! We take care of Wasps and Hornets and Guarantee they won’t come back. We will remove visible nests so you can enjoy your space without worrying about being harmed by these painful pests. We also utilize residual dusts to treat cavities in walls, stairs, roof soffits and any other place you might have them take harborage with no visible access to the nest.


Wasps/Hornets Treatment or Removal – $85.00 +GST (BELOW 10 FEET, promotional summer pricing)

Wasps/Hornets Treatment or Removal –  $205.00 +GST (OVER 10 FEET, A 2nd TECHNICIAN MAY BE REQUIRED)

**Wasps/Hornets – Guarantees limited to accessible nests for physical removal. Cockroach Treatments are not accompanied by a service guarantee and are billed per visit.

We aim to provide additional guidance to minimize the impact of wasps on your property and while on site will make recommendations for modifying the property to maximize the protection of your assets.

Wasps provide many ecological benefits. In a residential or commercial environment wasps can become undesirable. It is important to select a contractor who will express strong knowledge of the specific type of wasp or hornet you are experiencing on your property. Physical nest removal may be required, treatments into cavities such as wall panels, light fixtures, air conditioning condenser line entryways etc are all within the scope of treatment which castle pest control offers.